Tagged , i love you . Meowww :p

Assalamualaikum and peace guys :D
Hari nie bersemangat nak buad tag sebab dah lama tak kena tag nie . Okayy I've been tagged by Abang Glow kiteww , Wanaaa and Leeya .
The Rules :
1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6.No tag backs.
7.No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 things about me :
Nor Umirah Izrin Binti Mohammad Said
D.O.B 17.12.1996
SMK Sultan Badlishah
Suka makan bila tension #sebab tuh gemuk T.T
Love family
Love friends
Nampak matured , tapi perangai macam budak budak
Banyak cakap macam bontot ayam
Suka onlineee .
Benci katak , cicak , ular and binatang yang menggeli kan . FCUK --'

Questions from Geloww 
1. Black , pink . 
2. Long .
3. Onlineee and eat . 
4. Frog , snake , lizard . Euwww -..-
5. Cilaka kau glow tanya soalan bangang nie . 
6. Dunno , banyak sangat .
7. Secret doo ._.
8. Pukul 10 pagi sampai 12 tengah malam . Kira arr berapa jam ,
9. Beg , camera , fon , bedak , eyeliner . Hikhok xD
10.Semuaa lah . 
11. Entah , tak pernah terfikir pon . 

Questions from Wanaaa 
1. Hang memang mintak penyepak aku wana hoyy T.T 
2. Dua dua aku tak minat . 
3. Diri aku sendiri xD
4. No .
5. FUCK both . 
6. Secret . 
7. Boleh gakk , bagi arr kalau rajin xD
8. Last year .
9. Of course , red colour babeh .
10. No , abah aku tak bagi T.T
11. Entah , tak pernah mimpi pon >.<

Question from Leeya 
1. Nor Umirah Izrin Binti Mohamad Said .
2. Single , mingle and triangle .
3. Congkak .
4. Korea . 
5. Stupid Smile is my fake smile .
6. Teacher Zuriati :D
7. Tak der lha . 
8. Mathematics of course -.-
9. Hmm , tak terfikir lagi xD
10. SMK Sultan Badlishah 
11. Secret :)

Questions from Me 
1. Sukaa makan takk ? 
2. In a relationship or single ?
3. Who is your idol ?
4. The subject of the most you do not like ?
5. Who is your first love ?
6. Panjang takk entry mira kali nie ? 
7. Do you love me ? 
8. Wanna be my bff ?
9. Do you want my number fon ? haha
10. Jum hangout sekali nak ? xD
11. Do you have DSLR ?

Hahaha , kayy soalan bodo . Hmm , nak tag kat sapee erkk ? Sapaa rasa dia kawan mira , ambek arr tag niee . Kayy , bai